The Visibility of Vitiligo
Authors: Monica Ghebrial MD BHScKeywords: vitiligoFull Article
In Articles, Feb 27, 2025The Impacts of Schedule Changes and Service Suspensions at the Notre Dame Health Centre Emergency Department
Authors: Caleb Deroche B.Sc. Med 2, Amanda Condon MD CCFP FCFPKeywords: ER visits, rural medicine, rural emergency departments, healthcare workforceFull Article
In Articles, Case Reports, Feb 27, 2025Patient and/or caregiver experiences of interprofessional team-based primary care
Authors: Miray A. Eskandar BHSc, Gayle Halas, Teresa Cavett BSc MD CCFP FCFP MEdKeywords: interprofessional, primary care, team-based, experiencesFull Article
In Articles, Feb 27, 2025Community-Based Gender-Affirming Medical Care
Authors: Carolyne Wishart BSc, Shayne D Reitmeier MSc MD CCFP, Jake D Matheson BAKeywords: gender-affirming care, transgender, health disparities, ManitobaFull Article
In Articles, Feb 27, 2025Insights from the Cutting Edge: An Interview on Corneal Neurotization and Ophthalmic Surgical Innovation
Authors: Nathan Lee-Wing BScKeywords: Corneal Neurotization, Ophthalmology, Surgical InnovationFull Article
In Articles, Feb 27, 2025Undergraduate Medical Education Post-Covid: Enhancing the Return to Routine
Authors: Kapilan Panchendrabose MSc, Alexa Hryniuk Ph.D.Keywords: COVID-19, educationFull Article
In Articles, Feb 27, 2025Gaps in healthcare policy throughout COVID-19 with respect to disabled individuals: a screener’s perspective
Authors: Kaitlyn A. MerrillKeywords: COVID-19, disability, essential care partner, policy, restrictionsFull Article
In Articles, Feb 27, 2025On Sensitivity: A Medical Student and an Artist Reflect on the Impact of a Late ADHD Diagnosis
Authors: Natasha KuzykKeywords: ADHD, bias, trauma-informed, psychiatry, interviewFull Article
In Articles, Feb 27, 2025Importance of symptom–rhythm correlation in patients with arrhythmias: lessons for first year medical students in primary care settings
Authors: Luke W. Sirant MScIn primary care settings, cardiac arrhythmias can prove difficult in their diagnosis and management because many patients present with symptoms that are var...
In Articles, Case Reports, Sep 25, 2022Prostate cancer clinical presentation and differentiation from prostatitis: a brief radiological overview
Authors: Karam Al-Bayati BSc, BSc (Pharm)Correctly diagnosing prostatitis or prostate cancer can be particularly difficult even for the most experienced clinician, especially in the c...
In Articles, Original Research, Sep 25, 2022Ovarian thecoma: a rare cause of endometrial hyperplasia
Authors: Georgia Chappell MD, Peter Klippenstein MD FRCPS, Vivian Schutt MD FRCPSIn this case, management of endometrial hyperplasia led to the rare finding of an ovarian thecoma. End...
In Articles, Case Reports, Sep 25, 2022When breath becomes a collective effort
Authors: Harman Vats BScWe all went through some very challenging times during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it was through collective effort that we overcame those challenges. Whet...
In Articles, Artwork, Sep 25, 2022A closer look at disability: a parent's commentary
Authors: Maria Baranowski MSc RDDisability has long been considered as a reason to grieve. Historically, the lived experience of individuals catego- rized as having a disability, and ...
In Articles, Original Research, Sep 25, 2022By the sea
Authors: Monica Ghebrial BHScThis short story is inspired by my grandmother’s childhood during the 1940s cholera epidemic in rural Egypt. Despite hearing stories about the epidemic si...
In Articles, Short Stories, Sep 25, 2022A retrospective cross-sectional analysis of Winnipeg’s Urgent Care Centres: Have presenting patient complaints changed since converting from emergency departments?
Authors: Alexei Bernikov MD, Christine Kennedy BN, Mirna Ragheb BN, Asha Kothari BSc (Hons), Alexander Singer MB BAO BChThree emergency departments (EDs) in Winnipeg, Manitoba were re...
In Articles, Original Research, Oct 13, 2021Perspectives and challenges in the race to develop a COVID-19 vaccine: An interview with Dr. R. Scott McClelland
Authors: Toby Le BMSc, Jisuvei Clayton Salano MSc, Sushma Jayarama MD MBBSSince the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic, several vaccine candidates have entered development and recei...
In Articles, Interviews, Oct 13, 2021Personhood for nonhuman primates: Revisiting the moral justification for animal experimentation
Author: Muhammad S Aldhshan BDS MScNearly every prescription medicine available today has been tested on animals. However, animal experimentation remains one of the most contentious ...
In Articles, Perspectives, Oct 13, 2021Putting the “personal” back in personal protective equipment
Authors: Annie Jafri BSc, Anmol Mann BScThe COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in widespread use of personal protective equipment (PPE) among healthcare workers. However, there are chall...
In Articles, Current Topics, Oct 13, 2021Letter to the editor in response to: “Research as a University of Manitoba medical student: a crash course”
Author: Anthony Wightman BA(Hons) BScKeywords: critical literacy, research, pre-clerkship, non-traditional Full Article
In Articles, Letter to Editor, Oct 13, 2021Lessons for the next pandemic from COVID-19 and other emerging viral zoonoses
Author: Graham Casey MScSARS-CoV-2 is a novel coronavirus that emerged rapidly and caused devastating effects worldwide. Understanding principles of virus emergence is necessary to a...
In Articles, Reviews, Oct 13, 2021Gross anatomy laboratory education: The importance of cadaveric dissection in medical school during the COVID-19 pandemic
Author: Karim Sidhom BScThe role of cadaveric dissection for medical education has been subject to scrutiny in recent years. Questions around its effectiveness compared to other modal...
In Articles, Current Topics, Oct 13, 2021Why we are where we are: Considering medicine’s political history and theory
Author: Anthony Wightman BA(Hons) BScMedical advocacy is a core component of undergraduate medical education. The importance of advocacy has been highlighted by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemi...
In Articles, Perspectives, Oct 13, 2021A case of stroke mimic in the setting of metastatic melanoma
Author: Quinn Robertson-Stovel BScIn the emergency setting, brain tumours can present as “stroke mimics”, which are a category of non-vascular pathological conditions that can present...
In Articles, Case Reports, Jul 30, 2021Social isolation in older adults: A student-led response to fill the gap
Authors: Nebojša Oravec BSc, Kara Frejuk BSc, Kaleigh Ducas-Mowchun BSc, Ann Weber BScWhile the COVID-19 pandemic forced some Canadians into “lockdown” for the first time, the experie...
In Articles, Current Topics, Jul 30, 2021Science communication: A tool against misinformation
Authors: Toby Le PhD, Jasmine Frost PhDAs the world continues to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is also facing an overabundance of information. This is referred to ...
In Articles, Current Topics, Jul 30, 2021Development of a multiplexed PCR assay to identify pathogenic variants causing severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) in Manitoba
Authors: Catherine Giffin BSc, Alexandra Ciapala MSc, Tamar Rubin MD, Cheryl Greenberg MD, Geoffrey Cuvelier MD, Paul Van Caeseele MDSevere combined immunodeficiency (SCID) is a prima...
In Articles, Original Research, Jul 30, 2021The Hollenberg Clinic: An important contribution to Canadian integrative healthcare
Authors: Daniel Hollenberg PhDThe Hollenberg Clinic was an important and significant contributor to healthcare models during the 1950s in Canada. Based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, the Clin...
In Articles, Perspectives, Jul 30, 2021The role of frailty in acute care assessment during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: A rapid review
Authors: Kevin Boreskie MSc, Jacqueline Hay MSc, Pawel Garda BScHealthcare strain due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has left clinicians struggling to manage patient car...
In Articles, Reviews, Jul 30, 2021When Breath Becomes Air: A book review and discussion
Author: Karim Sidhom BScThis review examines When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi. The book is a memoir that recounts Kalanithi’s compelling story of a neurosurgeon-turned-patien...
In Articles, Book Review, Jul 30, 2021The Benefits of Incorporating the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions Calls to Action for Indigenous Health Care
Author: Ashley Monture BAIn 2015 the Truth and Reconciliation Commission presented 94 calls to action that would be beneficial in furthering the reconciliation efforts between Canada an...
In Articles, Current Topics, Oct 31, 2020The Patient's Perspective
Author: Rebecca Mahon BSc Full Article
In Articles, Reflections, Oct 31, 2020The HSC Women’s Hospital: Design and Patient Care
Author: Nada El Tobgy BScThe recently built HSC Women’s Hospital was designed with patient-centered care in mind. Many of the design elements used in the hospital are rooted in curren...
In Articles, Perspectives, Oct 31, 2020More than the Mona Lisa: what Leonardo da Vinci can teach physicians
Author: Victoria Lee-Wing BScLeonardo da Vinci (1452 -1519) is renowned as the artist of celebrated paintings, such as the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. He is not as well known for h...
In Articles, Reflections, Oct 31, 2020The importance of critical literacy and lifelong learning in medicine: an interview with Dr. Allan Garland
Author: Eagan Peters BScI met Dr. Garland in my first year of medical school where he was the regular preceptor for my Population Health tutorials. Since then, he has also been my tuto...
In Articles, Interviews, Oct 31, 2020Challenging Normative, Heteropatriarchal Ideologies in today’s Healthcare
Author: Harley Bray BScPatriarchy has not been removed from our society, it has merely adapted to ensure subtle, dominating power over the women of today. Many women pursuing a career...
In Articles, Perspectives, Oct 31, 2020The Human Biomolecular Atlas Program: mapping human structure in more than 37 trillion dimensions
Author: Graham McLeod MDBiologists wielding transformative technologies can describe the human body in increasingly complex ways. Single-cell gene expression and metabolic profiles, an...
In Articles, Current Topics, Oct 31, 2020Past and future developments of rural residency programs in Canada: a way forward for the Interlake-Eastern Region and rural Manitoba
Author: Megan Sorokopud-Jones BSc18% of the Canadian population lives rurally, yet only 8.5% of physicians practice in rural communities. Over the past 20 years, the College of Family...
In Articles, Interviews, Oct 26, 2019Research as a University of Manitoba medical student: a crash course
Author: Lourens Jacobs BSc, Janessa Siemens BSc“Do you have research experience?”, “What are your plans for the summer?”, and “How important is research?”. These are questions which m...
In Articles, Perspectives, Oct 26, 2019Interprofessional collaboration and healthcare costs: a brief literature review
Author: Francis Diaz MOTRising healthcare costs are unsustainable for a publicly funded healthcare system such as Manitoba’s, necessitating a search for cost-effective solutions. This...
In Articles, Review, Oct 26, 2019Collaboration for the Future
Author: Kristen Braun BSc Full Article
In Articles, Reflections, Oct 26, 2019Above average, below expectations: shortfalls in using class averages to inform the education of medical students
Author: Fernando Villasẽnor BScIn this paper, I argue that the release of cohort-specific class averages through the ExamplifyTM scoring reports do not adequately encourage developmen...
In Articles, Perspectives, Oct 26, 2019Caring for the carer: a look at physician wellness
Author: Mariam Ahmed BScAs many medical students, residents, and attending physicians can attest, medicine is a unique and challenging field. With all that medicine entails, the topic...
In Articles, Perspectives, Oct 26, 2019CMDS v CPSO: Conscience-Based Objections to MAID and Ontario’s Effective Referral Policy
Author: Dov Kagan JDMedical regulators across Canada have responded to the challenge of conscience-based objections to medical assistance in dying (MAID) with divergent approaches. In...
In Articles, Current Topics, Oct 26, 2019Artificial intelligence and physicians in the future of medicine: a meeting of minds?
Author: Graham McLeod BSc; Jagandeep Brar BScArtificial intelligence (AI) is one of today’s most powerful technologies. Having already transformed the business world, AI may be poised...
In Articles, Current Topics, Oct 26, 2019Alternative Medicine in the Canadian Context: An Overview
Author: Joseph Asaminew BScComplementary and alternative medicine (CAM) refers to approaches to health care that falls outside of the medical mainstream. CAM modalities are experienci...
In Articles, Current Topics, Oct 26, 2019The next Carter? Medical assistance in dying and mature minors
Author: Dov Kagan, JDIn 2016, Parliament legalized medical assistance in dying (MAID) under certain limited circumstances. However, the criminal code provisions relating to MAID remai...
In Articles, Perspectives, Aug 20, 2018A Star Trek exploration into the usage of data obtained from unethical medical experiments
Full Article
In Articles, Perspectives, Aug 20, 2018See one, do one, teach one: re-thinking the teaching of procedural skills in medicine
Full Article
In Articles, Current Topics, Aug 20, 2018Narrative medicine: a personal interview with expert Rita Charon
Full Article
In Articles, Interviews, Aug 20, 2018Legalizing Mary Jane: past, present, and future use of cannabis in medicine
Full Article
In Articles, Current Topics, Aug 20, 2018The increase in unmatched Canadian medical graduates: who is to blame and should we be concerned?
Full Article
In Articles, Current Topics, Aug 20, 2018Current Topics
Putting the “personal” back in personal protective equipment
Authors: Annie Jafri BSc, Anmol Mann BScThe COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in widespread use of personal protective equipment (PPE) among healthcare workers. However, there are chall...
In Articles, Current Topics, Oct 13, 2021Gross anatomy laboratory education: The importance of cadaveric dissection in medical school during the COVID-19 pandemic
Author: Karim Sidhom BScThe role of cadaveric dissection for medical education has been subject to scrutiny in recent years. Questions around its effectiveness compared to other modal...
In Articles, Current Topics, Oct 13, 2021Social isolation in older adults: A student-led response to fill the gap
Authors: Nebojša Oravec BSc, Kara Frejuk BSc, Kaleigh Ducas-Mowchun BSc, Ann Weber BScWhile the COVID-19 pandemic forced some Canadians into “lockdown” for the first time, the experie...
In Articles, Current Topics, Jul 30, 2021Science communication: A tool against misinformation
Authors: Toby Le PhD, Jasmine Frost PhDAs the world continues to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is also facing an overabundance of information. This is referred to ...
In Articles, Current Topics, Jul 30, 2021The Benefits of Incorporating the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions Calls to Action for Indigenous Health Care
Author: Ashley Monture BAIn 2015 the Truth and Reconciliation Commission presented 94 calls to action that would be beneficial in furthering the reconciliation efforts between Canada an...
In Articles, Current Topics, Oct 31, 2020The Human Biomolecular Atlas Program: mapping human structure in more than 37 trillion dimensions
Author: Graham McLeod MDBiologists wielding transformative technologies can describe the human body in increasingly complex ways. Single-cell gene expression and metabolic profiles, an...
In Articles, Current Topics, Oct 31, 2020CMDS v CPSO: Conscience-Based Objections to MAID and Ontario’s Effective Referral Policy
Author: Dov Kagan JDMedical regulators across Canada have responded to the challenge of conscience-based objections to medical assistance in dying (MAID) with divergent approaches. In...
In Articles, Current Topics, Oct 26, 2019Artificial intelligence and physicians in the future of medicine: a meeting of minds?
Author: Graham McLeod BSc; Jagandeep Brar BScArtificial intelligence (AI) is one of today’s most powerful technologies. Having already transformed the business world, AI may be poised...
In Articles, Current Topics, Oct 26, 2019Alternative Medicine in the Canadian Context: An Overview
Author: Joseph Asaminew BScComplementary and alternative medicine (CAM) refers to approaches to health care that falls outside of the medical mainstream. CAM modalities are experienci...
In Articles, Current Topics, Oct 26, 2019See one, do one, teach one: re-thinking the teaching of procedural skills in medicine
Full Article
In Articles, Current Topics, Aug 20, 2018Legalizing Mary Jane: past, present, and future use of cannabis in medicine
Full Article
In Articles, Current Topics, Aug 20, 2018The increase in unmatched Canadian medical graduates: who is to blame and should we be concerned?
Full Article
In Articles, Current Topics, Aug 20, 2018Reflections
The Patient's Perspective
Author: Rebecca Mahon BSc Full Article
In Articles, Reflections, Oct 31, 2020More than the Mona Lisa: what Leonardo da Vinci can teach physicians
Author: Victoria Lee-Wing BScLeonardo da Vinci (1452 -1519) is renowned as the artist of celebrated paintings, such as the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. He is not as well known for h...
In Articles, Reflections, Oct 31, 2020Collaboration for the Future
Author: Kristen Braun BSc Full Article
In Articles, Reflections, Oct 26, 2019Interviews
Perspectives and challenges in the race to develop a COVID-19 vaccine: An interview with Dr. R. Scott McClelland
Authors: Toby Le BMSc, Jisuvei Clayton Salano MSc, Sushma Jayarama MD MBBSSince the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic, several vaccine candidates have entered development and recei...
In Articles, Interviews, Oct 13, 2021The importance of critical literacy and lifelong learning in medicine: an interview with Dr. Allan Garland
Author: Eagan Peters BScI met Dr. Garland in my first year of medical school where he was the regular preceptor for my Population Health tutorials. Since then, he has also been my tuto...
In Articles, Interviews, Oct 31, 2020Past and future developments of rural residency programs in Canada: a way forward for the Interlake-Eastern Region and rural Manitoba
Author: Megan Sorokopud-Jones BSc18% of the Canadian population lives rurally, yet only 8.5% of physicians practice in rural communities. Over the past 20 years, the College of Family...
In Articles, Interviews, Oct 26, 2019Narrative medicine: a personal interview with expert Rita Charon
Full Article
In Articles, Interviews, Aug 20, 2018Perspectives
Personhood for nonhuman primates: Revisiting the moral justification for animal experimentation
Author: Muhammad S Aldhshan BDS MScNearly every prescription medicine available today has been tested on animals. However, animal experimentation remains one of the most contentious ...
In Articles, Perspectives, Oct 13, 2021Why we are where we are: Considering medicine’s political history and theory
Author: Anthony Wightman BA(Hons) BScMedical advocacy is a core component of undergraduate medical education. The importance of advocacy has been highlighted by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemi...
In Articles, Perspectives, Oct 13, 2021The Hollenberg Clinic: An important contribution to Canadian integrative healthcare
Authors: Daniel Hollenberg PhDThe Hollenberg Clinic was an important and significant contributor to healthcare models during the 1950s in Canada. Based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, the Clin...
In Articles, Perspectives, Jul 30, 2021The HSC Women’s Hospital: Design and Patient Care
Author: Nada El Tobgy BScThe recently built HSC Women’s Hospital was designed with patient-centered care in mind. Many of the design elements used in the hospital are rooted in curren...
In Articles, Perspectives, Oct 31, 2020Challenging Normative, Heteropatriarchal Ideologies in today’s Healthcare
Author: Harley Bray BScPatriarchy has not been removed from our society, it has merely adapted to ensure subtle, dominating power over the women of today. Many women pursuing a career...
In Articles, Perspectives, Oct 31, 2020Research as a University of Manitoba medical student: a crash course
Author: Lourens Jacobs BSc, Janessa Siemens BSc“Do you have research experience?”, “What are your plans for the summer?”, and “How important is research?”. These are questions which m...
In Articles, Perspectives, Oct 26, 2019Above average, below expectations: shortfalls in using class averages to inform the education of medical students
Author: Fernando Villasẽnor BScIn this paper, I argue that the release of cohort-specific class averages through the ExamplifyTM scoring reports do not adequately encourage developmen...
In Articles, Perspectives, Oct 26, 2019Caring for the carer: a look at physician wellness
Author: Mariam Ahmed BScAs many medical students, residents, and attending physicians can attest, medicine is a unique and challenging field. With all that medicine entails, the topic...
In Articles, Perspectives, Oct 26, 2019The next Carter? Medical assistance in dying and mature minors
Author: Dov Kagan, JDIn 2016, Parliament legalized medical assistance in dying (MAID) under certain limited circumstances. However, the criminal code provisions relating to MAID remai...
In Articles, Perspectives, Aug 20, 2018A Star Trek exploration into the usage of data obtained from unethical medical experiments
Full Article
In Articles, Perspectives, Aug 20, 2018Issues
Volume 6 Issue 1
Volume 6 Issue 1 of The University of Manitoba Journal of MedicineFull Issue
In Issues, Feb 27, 2025Volume 5 Issue 1
Volume 5 Issue 1 of The University of Manitoba Journal of MedicineFull Issue
In Issues, Sep 25, 2022Volume 4 Issue 2
Volume 4 Issue 2 of The University of Manitoba Journal of Medicine Full Issue
In Issues, Oct 13, 2021Volume 4 Issue 1
Volume 4 Issue 1 of The University of Manitoba Journal of Medicine Full Issue
In Issues, Jul 30, 2021Volume 3 Issue 1
Volume 3 Issue 1 of The University of Manitoba Journal of Medicine Full Issue
In Issues, Oct 31, 2020Volume 2 Issue 1
Volume 2 Issue 1 of The University of Manitoba Journal of Medicine Full Issue
In Issues, Oct 26, 2019Volume 1 Issue 1
Volume 1 Issue 1 of The University of Manitoba Journal of Medicine Full Issue
In Issues, Aug 20, 2018Review
Interprofessional collaboration and healthcare costs: a brief literature review
Author: Francis Diaz MOTRising healthcare costs are unsustainable for a publicly funded healthcare system such as Manitoba’s, necessitating a search for cost-effective solutions. This...
In Articles, Review, Oct 26, 2019Book Review
When Breath Becomes Air: A book review and discussion
Author: Karim Sidhom BScThis review examines When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi. The book is a memoir that recounts Kalanithi’s compelling story of a neurosurgeon-turned-patien...
In Articles, Book Review, Jul 30, 2021Reviews
Lessons for the next pandemic from COVID-19 and other emerging viral zoonoses
Author: Graham Casey MScSARS-CoV-2 is a novel coronavirus that emerged rapidly and caused devastating effects worldwide. Understanding principles of virus emergence is necessary to a...
In Articles, Reviews, Oct 13, 2021The role of frailty in acute care assessment during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: A rapid review
Authors: Kevin Boreskie MSc, Jacqueline Hay MSc, Pawel Garda BScHealthcare strain due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has left clinicians struggling to manage patient car...
In Articles, Reviews, Jul 30, 2021Original Research
Prostate cancer clinical presentation and differentiation from prostatitis: a brief radiological overview
Authors: Karam Al-Bayati BSc, BSc (Pharm)Correctly diagnosing prostatitis or prostate cancer can be particularly difficult even for the most experienced clinician, especially in the c...
In Articles, Original Research, Sep 25, 2022A closer look at disability: a parent's commentary
Authors: Maria Baranowski MSc RDDisability has long been considered as a reason to grieve. Historically, the lived experience of individuals catego- rized as having a disability, and ...
In Articles, Original Research, Sep 25, 2022A retrospective cross-sectional analysis of Winnipeg’s Urgent Care Centres: Have presenting patient complaints changed since converting from emergency departments?
Authors: Alexei Bernikov MD, Christine Kennedy BN, Mirna Ragheb BN, Asha Kothari BSc (Hons), Alexander Singer MB BAO BChThree emergency departments (EDs) in Winnipeg, Manitoba were re...
In Articles, Original Research, Oct 13, 2021Development of a multiplexed PCR assay to identify pathogenic variants causing severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) in Manitoba
Authors: Catherine Giffin BSc, Alexandra Ciapala MSc, Tamar Rubin MD, Cheryl Greenberg MD, Geoffrey Cuvelier MD, Paul Van Caeseele MDSevere combined immunodeficiency (SCID) is a prima...
In Articles, Original Research, Jul 30, 2021Case Reports
The Impacts of Schedule Changes and Service Suspensions at the Notre Dame Health Centre Emergency Department
Authors: Caleb Deroche B.Sc. Med 2, Amanda Condon MD CCFP FCFPKeywords: ER visits, rural medicine, rural emergency departments, healthcare workforceFull Article
In Articles, Case Reports, Feb 27, 2025Importance of symptom–rhythm correlation in patients with arrhythmias: lessons for first year medical students in primary care settings
Authors: Luke W. Sirant MScIn primary care settings, cardiac arrhythmias can prove difficult in their diagnosis and management because many patients present with symptoms that are var...
In Articles, Case Reports, Sep 25, 2022Ovarian thecoma: a rare cause of endometrial hyperplasia
Authors: Georgia Chappell MD, Peter Klippenstein MD FRCPS, Vivian Schutt MD FRCPSIn this case, management of endometrial hyperplasia led to the rare finding of an ovarian thecoma. End...
In Articles, Case Reports, Sep 25, 2022A case of stroke mimic in the setting of metastatic melanoma
Author: Quinn Robertson-Stovel BScIn the emergency setting, brain tumours can present as “stroke mimics”, which are a category of non-vascular pathological conditions that can present...
In Articles, Case Reports, Jul 30, 2021Letter to Editor
Letter to the editor in response to: “Research as a University of Manitoba medical student: a crash course”
Author: Anthony Wightman BA(Hons) BScKeywords: critical literacy, research, pre-clerkship, non-traditional Full Article
In Articles, Letter to Editor, Oct 13, 2021Short Stories
By the sea
Authors: Monica Ghebrial BHScThis short story is inspired by my grandmother’s childhood during the 1940s cholera epidemic in rural Egypt. Despite hearing stories about the epidemic si...
In Articles, Short Stories, Sep 25, 2022Artwork
When breath becomes a collective effort
Authors: Harman Vats BScWe all went through some very challenging times during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it was through collective effort that we overcame those challenges. Whet...
In Articles, Artwork, Sep 25, 2022Previous Issues
Volume 6 Issue 1
In Issues, -
Volume 5 Issue 1
In Issues, -
Volume 4 Issue 2
In Issues, -
Volume 4 Issue 1
In Issues, -
Volume 3 Issue 1
In Issues, -
Volume 2 Issue 1
In Issues, -
Volume 1 Issue 1
In Issues,